Please be advised there will be disruption at 74 High Street Toowong (490) for the UQ Facade Replacement Program. The contractor will be installing a gantry over the shared driveway and pedestrian pathway to the front of the building after hours. These works will cause some intermittent noise, and there will be an exclusion zone in place to the shared driveway and footpath managed by the contractor.
Gantry Installation over shared driveway and High St pathway
- Contractor will be installing a gantry over the shared driveway and pedestrian pathway to the front of the building
- All building occupants at 74 High St are to be out of the building and car park by 7:00pm on Tuesday 13 June – Thursday 15 June
- Access to the shared driveway will be closed on Tuesday 13 June from 8:30pm – 10:30pm
- Noisy works expected during these works
- Exclusion zones surrounding works area will be in place and managed by the contractor
Works Duration
- Start: Tuesday 13 June 2023
- Finish: Thursday 15 June 2023
Project details
Cladding replacement on the 74 High Street Building forms part of the wider UQ Façade Replacement Program.
UQ Contact
Casey Fredrickson, Senior Project Manager (Infrastructure):
- Call: 0408 339 936
- Email: