Crane Lift: Building 69 & Surrounding Buildings

26 Jul 2023

There will be a crane in place Saturday 29 July on the northern and southern sides of Building 69 to accommodate the required roof replacement of Building 69. This will mean traffic management will be in place to safely divert pedestrians in and around the exclusion zone, whilst works are in operation. Major noisy works will also be completed as well as minor cutting and drilling to allow the reinstallation of sun shades to the building’s exterior facade.

Affected Areas

A aerial view of buildingsDescription automatically generated


  • Start: Saturday, 29 July 2023
  • Finish: Saturday, 29 July 2023
  • Times: 5:00am to 5:00pm

Work details


  • All Level 2 northern entries and exits to Building 69, Building 67 and John Hines will be controlled by the Lead Contractors Traffic Management program
  • All Level 2 Southern Entries and Exits to Building 69, Building 67 and John Hines will be controlled by the lead contractors traffic management program
  • Northern access to Chemistry Building will be restricted during transit of crane
  • Traffic Management will be in place to ensure pedestrian traffic can still pass through when the crane is not in operation
  • No personnel are to enter/exit the building on the north side whilst the crane is in operation, unless in the case of an emergency
  • Passage through to Phizz from Mansfield Place will be restricted
  • Heavy machinery and vehicles will be travelling through the travel routes as highlighted above
  • Sun shades will be reinstalled to Building 69

Project details


Project will include:

  • Heavy lifting of building materials
  • Working at heights


Petar Validzic, Principal, Project Officer (Infrastructure):

We apologise for the inconvenience this may cause and thank you for your understanding during this time.

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