UQ Lake and Amphitheatre Renewal: Project Progress

2 Aug 2023

Construction works for the UQ Lake and Amphitheatre Renewal Project continue, with the recent dry weather enabling significant progress.
Works have progressed were possible through softscape/hardscape landscaping in the amphitheatre and the lake.

This project is expected to be complete in September 2023 (weather dependant), a timeline can be found on the project website.

Affected areas

Footpath adjacent to Connifer Knoll and the Lakes Bus Stop as per image below.

Work details

Date: Monday 31 July 2023 – Tuesday 1 August 2023

Time: All Day

Electrical Works Outside Boundary

On 31 July and 1 August, works associated with the connection of the Lakes distribution board to Substation 16 within the footpath area near Playing Field 3, as per the plan below. 

  • Whilst these works are taking place, the footpath between the UQ Lakes bus stop and the campus will be blocked off to facilitate cable pulling.
  • Pedestrians will be required to walk around the work area and cyclists will need to be mindful of pedestrian movements. Traffic controllers will be in place.

Image 1 – Cabling works 31 July 2023 – 1 August 2023

Project details

The iconic UQ lake and amphitheatre is being transformed into a self-sustaining ecosystem that offers habitat for wildlife and more opportunities for people to enjoy the area.
More information can be found on the project website.


Casey Fredrickson, Project Manager (Infrastructure):
