Facade Replacement Works: 74 High St Toowong (490) fortnightly lookahead

31 Jul 2023

Some disruption to the 74 High Street Toowong (Building 490) for for the Façade Replacement Project will continue as the contractor progresses with the replacement of the non-compliant combustible cladding scope of work.  These Works will cause some intermittent noise and there will be some exclusion zones to footpaths, roads and work zones at various times during these works; managed by the Contractor.

The cladding replacement works are expected to be complete by December 2023. Ongoing communications will be provided to give regular updates regarding upcoming works.

Affected Areas

Duration & Time

Site Operations & Site Establishment

  • Material deliveries will use a number of car parks (4 no. acknowledged as allocated to the contractor for the Works).
  • Traffic Management to maintain access to rear car parking area at all times.
  • Pedestrian traffic management to footpath to maintain building access.
  • Cyclist and pedestrian access open and managed by traffic control for any closures.


High St Elevation (works within Scaffold zone)

  • Built to continue with framing install.
  • Level 4 waterproof remediation from the 2nd August
  • Entry Awning framing from 7th August.
  • All works to be completed within Built’s scaffold zone.
  • Moderate, intermittent noise expected during works for 31st July to 12th August.
  • Any materials and equipment deliveries will take place in morning to minimise disruption.

31st July to 12th August


Please refer attached plans for mark up of affected areas (PDF, 1.4 MB) and fortnightly lookahead (PDF, 447.7 KB).

Project details

Cladding replacement on the 74 High Street Building  forms part of the wider UQ Façade Replacement Program.

UQ Contact

Casey Fredrickson, Senior Project Manager (Infrastructure):

We apologise for the inconvenience this may cause and thank you for your understanding during this time.

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