Parking is available at our Herston campus for students and staff.

You must pay to park from Monday to Friday, 7am to 9pm. Outside these hours parking is free. Parking options include hourly and capped daily rates, and permit parking.

Look for the signs to check the zone and which rates and conditions apply.

Brisbane City Council street parking is available for visitors.

For more information:

Changes from February 2025

From 3 February 2025, there were changes to parking rates at the Herston campus pink and purple zones. See the new rates below.

Green zone

  • Permit parking
  • Restricted to staff and others with a permit.

Permit types and rates

Pink zone

Traffic sign with text 14P daily restricted, Herston campus, Pink Zone, 1472600

  • Park for up to 14 hours
  • Hourly rates capped at a daily maximum.

Who can use it

  • Students and staff (excluding motorcycles).


To claim student or staff rates, you must pay using the CellOPark app. Go to 'My Profile', select UQ as your 'Institute' and update the 'Student/Staff ID' field:

  • Students: enter your student ID number
  • Staff: enter your staff ID number or username
  • Staff of UQ Union and UQ controlled entities (UQ Sport, JKTech, UniQuest, UQ College, UQ Health Care, UQ Residence): enter the UQ username associated with your affiliate account. If you don't have a UQ username, you'll need to apply for an affiliate account.
  • Staff associates are not eligible for staff rates.

Pink zone rates
Rate typeHourly rateCapped daily rate

Purple zone

  • Park for up to 14 hours
  • Hourly rates capped at a daily maximum.

Who can use it

  • UQ staff only (excluding motorcycles).


To claim staff rates, you must use the CellOPark app. Go to 'My Profile', select UQ as your 'Institute' and update the 'Student/Staff ID' field:

  • Staff: enter your staff ID number or username
  • Staff of UQ Union and UQ controlled entities (UQ Sport, JKTech, UniQuest, UQ College, UQ Health Care, UQ Residence): enter the UQ username associated with your affiliate account. If you don't have a UQ username, you'll need to apply for an affiliate account.
Purple zone rates
Rate typeHourly rateCapped daily rate

Orange zone

Traffic sign with text University of Queensland, Orange Zone, 1472003, motorcycle parking casual and permit at all times

Who can use it

  • Motorcycle parking only
  • Capped daily rates and permits.


To claim student or staff rates, you must pay using the CellOPark app. Go to 'My Profile', select UQ as your 'Institute' and update the 'Student/Staff ID' field:

  • Students: enter your student ID number
  • Staff: enter your staff ID number or username
  • Staff of UQ Union and UQ controlled entities (UQ Sport, JKTech, UniQuest, UQ College, UQ Health Care, UQ Residence): enter the UQ username associated with your affiliate account. If you don't have a UQ username, you'll need to apply for an affiliate account.
  • Staff associates are not eligible for staff rates.

Orange zone rates
Rate typeCapped daily rate

Persons With Disability (PWD)

Traffic sign with wheelchair symbol

Who can use it


  • Free.

Find out more information about accessible parking.

UQ fleet vehicles

UQ fleet vehicles can park in any zone, but must follow any other relevant parking rules.

Service and commercial vehicles

Traffic sign with text loading zone, service and commercial vehicles only, 2 hours max, 7am to 6pm, Monday to Friday, all other valid permits allowed at other times

Who can use it

  • Monday to Friday, 7am to 6pm: any service and commercially registered vehicles.
  • Monday to Friday after 6pm: anyone with a valid UQ permit.


  • Maximum 2 hours.
  • Service and commercial vehicles can also use loading zones (maximum 30 minutes, unless otherwise signed).
  • Construction contractors and sub-contractors cannot use these spaces.


  • Free.

Short-term loading vehicles

Traffic sign showing loading zone, 30 minutes max, at all times

Who can use it

  • Everyone.


  • Maximum 30 minutes, including after 6pm and weekends.
  • Do not use for collecting or delivering assignments or letters.

