ID cards can be issued to UQ staff, contractors and affiliates.

Students should request an ID card on the my.UQ site

4. Use your ID card

You can use your ID card to:

Building access

All ID cards have basic access to buildings and areas which don't require special permission. 

If your new card doesn't have the access you expect, we recommend that you:

  1. Wait 24 hours (sometimes permissions take time to apply).
  2. Contact your faculty to ask about gaining specific access.
  3. If your faculty can't help, email Properties and Facilities at
  4. Contact Student Central and tell us the steps you’ve taken and we'll investigate further (for example to check if the card is faulty). 

Request additional access

If you need additional access added to your card:

  1. Contact your faculty.
  2. If your faculty can't help, email Properties and Facilities at

Access can be added for the UQ Sport Fitness Centre and bicycle facilities.