A range of events are held at UQ campuses each year, including concerts, performances and movie nights. There are a number of outdoor spaces available at St Lucia that you can book for your next event, including the:

  • Forgan Smith Lawns
  • Grassy Knoll
  • UQ Art Museum lawn
  • Dr Mary Mahoney AO Amphitheatre.

For a full list of available sites, view the map of outdoor locations (PDF, 5.2 MB). You can also book other spaces at UQ.

BBQ sites (PDF, 3.5 MB) operate on a first-in, first-served basis and cannot be booked in advance.

1. Check if you need approval

If you'd like to host an event at a UQ location, you may need approval.

Types of events that need approval include:

  • concerts, performances and other ticketed events
  • movie nights
  • public forums and conferences
  • events for students like Open Day and market days
  • events by external organisers
  • events that include service of alcohol
  • events held at any of the sites on the map of outdoor locations (PDF, 5.2 MB).

Other activities don't need approval. These include:

  • teaching and learning activities (e.g. lectures, tutorials, labs, practicals)
  • staff training
  • morning and afternoon teas
  • student induction events critical to the enrolled program at non-UQ locations
  • events organised at external spaces
  • using the BBQs
  • visiting the community gardens.

If you are unsure if your event requires approval, contact the Events Approval Team at seo@pf.uq.edu.au before you apply.