A range of events are held at UQ campuses each year, including concerts, performances and movie nights. There are a number of outdoor spaces available at St Lucia that you can book for your next event, including the:

  • Forgan Smith Lawns
  • Grassy Knoll
  • UQ Art Museum lawn
  • Dr Mary Mahoney AO Amphitheatre.

For a full list of available sites, view the map of outdoor locations (PDF, 5.2 MB). You can also book other spaces at UQ.

BBQ sites (PDF, 3.5 MB) operate on a first-in, first-served basis and cannot be booked in advance.

3. What to consider

Depending on the type of event you're planning, you may need to consider:

Transport and parking

  • If your event attendees need parking, casual parking options are available. You can also arrange guest parking through PF Assist. This is subject to availability and costs apply. 
  • If you want to use buses to transport people to or from your event, you will need to request approval for bus parking at least 2 weeks in advance. See bus and coach parking for more information.
  • If your event will impact campus traffic, you must include a traffic management plan. If approved, it is your responsibility to ensure that appropriate traffic control measures are implemented.


If you are advised as part of your application process that you must have security at your event, you must organise your external security through a UQ-approved security provider. The Events Approval Team can provide you with the list of approved security providers.


  • 1 security officer is required for every 100 patrons up to 500 patrons
  • 1 security officer is required for every 200 patrons after that

Security requirements for large functions or events are determined when you apply. Other factors that may warrant security presence include (but are not limited to) potential media interest, attendance of special guests or VIPs, and coverage of controversial topics.

Weapons and fireworks are prohibited at all UQ locations.


If you are serving alcohol at your event, you must complete an Alcohol Permission Application Form.

You may also need a Community Liquor Permit if you supply alcohol, whether it's sold directly or supplied indirectly through tickets, entry and admission charges or other means. After your application is processed, we will tell you if you need to apply for a Community Liquor Permit through the Queensland Government Office of Liquor and Gaming Regulation (OLGR).

The Events Approval Team will only approve events that are compliant with National Health and Medical Research Council Guidelines and the combination of drinks requested must be within the guideline limits. For general quantity guidance advice please refer to the National Health and Medical Research Council and Queensland Government advice.

Equipment and entertainment

You should plan what equipment you will need and the type of entertainment appropriate for your event.

External suppliers

All external suppliers that will be onsite at a UQ location must provide:

  • proof of public liability insurance
  • a safe work method statement
  • a risk assessment
  • relevant licences and permits.

All external suppliers must complete an online contractor induction annually.

If you want to use mobile amusement devices (e.g. bumper cars, large jumping castles, etc.), you must also provide a current engineer's report for each device, and licensing information (certificate of registrable plant).

Branded items

UQ areas and departments can book faculty-specific and generic UQ pull-up banners, wing banners, marquees or tablecloths. Complete the online booking form at least 10 days before you would like to collect the items. Your booking request will be reviewed and responded to within 2-3 business days. Please note all requests are subject to availability.

Additional services

If you need additional services (e.g. cleaning, waste, power, signage installation), email seo@pf.uq.edu.au at least 2 weeks before the event. Some services are subject to availability.


If your event includes attendance by Federal and State Ministers, foreign government dignitaries, presidents of other universities and other high-profile VIPs, you will need to seek protocol advice and assistance:

Photography and filming

Members of the public and external organisations need to request permission to film on campus.


Events are a fantastic way to raise awareness about sustainability and foster positive change. They present a great opportunity to inspire attendees, including students, staff, suppliers, and the local community. As a leading educational institution, UQ has an obligation to demonstrate sustainability leadership across all its events.

Visit the Sustainable catering and events webpage for more information, including:

  • guides for sustainable events, bin ordering and mobile vendors
  • how to apply for Sustainable Events Certification and receive a certification logo to display on promotional items.